Monday, March 2, 2015

Peter Parker More Suited in Marvel Movie Universe

Peter Parker and The Avengers
If ever there is a remote chance that any of the officials of Marvel Studios is reading this, they should realize that even if there is a deafening noise, it doesn’t mean that everyone is making the racket.

Marvel should realize that just because a lot of PC warriors are doing nothing all day except twit and post comment all day, doesn't mean the rest of the nation is. Just because something has 'Twitter buzz', does not make it the default pulse of the fans.

Let us take the case of the recent deal with Sony to bring Spider-Man into the proper Marvel cinematic universe. Several bloggers and would-be journalists are trying to lobby and influence Marvel into discarding the character of Peter Parker in favour of the least popular Miles Morales.

Peter Parker was the high school bookworm who was bitten by a Radioactive Spider during a science experiment and soon found out that he had gained the proportionate powers of an arachnid. He starred as the web-slinging superhero Spider-Man in Marvel Universe since 1962 up to the present.

Miles Morales, on the other hand, is a character in the alternate Marvel Ultimate Universe since 2011. In that universe, original Spider-Man Peter Parker died, and Morales, who had received similar but modified powers, replaced him.

The problem with the suggestion of the very small minority to use Morales instead of Parker in the next Avengers movie is that it does not make any sense. It is like force-sticking a band-aid on the perceived diversity problem, when none exist.

If they use Morales, Marvel would be committing a very grave error. It doesn’t even have anything to do with race. The world knows that Spider-Man is Peter Parker. If suddenly he's Miles Morales with no explanation whatsoever, there are going to be huge numbers of people going #$%$" and being upset by it. Comic fans know Miles, but non-comic fans don't, and it's the non-comic fans that allow these movies to make so much money.

There is absolutely nothing wrong seeing Morales on the big screen because he is also a great character. Marvel just need to build to it. For instance: bring Peter back for the Civil War film, and then KILL HIM. It would be a hugely important moment in the Marvel Universe storyline, and it would then free them to have Morales take over the role in the next solo Spidey film.

The only reason I could see them going with Morales is if he is going to be the primary Spider-Man after the big Marvel Comic shakeup this year. If that is not the case then they should stick with Parker, kill him off respectively, and then introduce Morales as the new Spider-Man.

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