Monday, August 17, 2020

Clothes-Stealing Wild Board Will Be Culled

Wild Boar Stealing Clothes
The German authorities revealed that they have deployed a trained marksman to shoot a wild boar that stole the clothes of a naked German man.

The boar made international headlines a few days ago after photographs of the portly nudist giving chase were shared on social media.

However, in a sad twist of fate to the incident, the local forestry department said that the boar would have to be killed as it has lost its fear of humans and presents a danger to public safety.

The boar in question emerged from the forest with two cubs last week and made its way through crowds of Berliners seeking to cool off in the Teufelsee, one of the city’s many lakes.

"You have to put yourself in the boar’s position," Katja Kammer of the Grunewald forestry department told local RBB television. "The sun is hot on its black fur. So it heads for water or into a swamp."

Forestry officials have been tracking the boar in question for some time, Ms. Kammer said.

"Fortunately, there have not been any serious incidents involving wild boar at the Teufelssee."

Wild boar numbers are regularly controlled by licensed hunters around Berlin and many other major German cities.

When the population becomes too high, the boars emerge from the forests to look for food and can turn aggressive when they encounters humans.

In one famous incident, four people including a police officer were injured when they were attacked by a 265-pound boar that had wandered into the Berlin neighbourhood of Charlottenburg in 2012.

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