Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Hollywood's Shameful Hypocrites Won't Hire Someone If They Have Conservative Views?

Stacey Dash
This could be the the most hypocritical stand in the history of Hollywood if it is true. Telling producers and directors to avoid hiring actors and workers whose view is different or runs counter to what liberal Hollywood is promoting.

Many will deny this is happening right now, but "Clueless" Amy Heckerling confirmed that this is still the case to Yahoo Entertainment recently.

The iconic movie that hit theaters last 19 July 1995 featured Alicia Silverstone as the exceedingly privileged and sometimes oblivious, albeit big-hearted, Cher Horowitz.

The filmmaker has fond memories of other cast members though, in particular, back actress Stacey Dash, who portrayed Cher’s best friend Dionne.

Heckerling confirmed that she's stayed on good terms with Dash even after the movie was released. In the quarter-century since the film debuted to great fanfare on MTV and elsewhere, Dash has become a regular commentator on conservative politics.

"I love her, and I've tried to get her jobs on things and was told no because of that," Heckerling says. "You know, I think she’s a wonderful actress, and I love her personally."

That's the most telling quote in the entire interview. Dash has been blackballed because of her political views and rhetoric.

Shameful. Hollywood = Liberalism = Hypocrisy. They claim to be inclusive until one disagrees with their stand. Keep in mind, this is the same people that touts diversity yet, blacks continue to complain about the lack of opportunities in Hollywood that's run by liberals.

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