Sunday, September 22, 2024

Google AdX May Be Sold To Appease EU

Google AdX
The European market is a substantial place with lots of varrying degrees of opportunities, especially for tech companies. This is the reeason why risk is mitigated to expand the probablity of high earnings.

To manage the risk and avoid negative externalities, Google was reported to be seriously considering selling its AdX advertising marketplace. This is in response to the monopoly concerns raised by the EU, Reuters reported. However, the European publishers rejected Google's offer and argues that it needs to divest more in order to dismantle the conflicts of interest in its online advertising operations.

Lawyers familiar with the antitrust cases said this was the first time Google had offered to sell off an asset in response to this type of lawsuit.

Despite this alleged sale offer, which has not been confirmed yet, Google was adamantly firm about its adtech business. "As we have said before, the European Commission's case about our third-party display advertising products rests on flawed interpretations of the ad-tech sector, which is fiercely competitive and rapidly evolving. We remain committed to this business," a Google rep told Endgadget.

Google's control over online advertisements has raised many concerns around the globe. Regulators are asking whether the company's activity in multiple stages of the adtech supply chain allows it to favor its own businesses, creating an unfair advantage that could hurt competition and increase advertising prices.

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